Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SVTFOE?

SVTFOE is an acronim for Star Vs The Forces Of Evil a show created by Daron Nefcy on Disney XD about a magical princess from another dimension.

A fandom is a community of people who come together to share what they have in common (the fandom)

Amino is a place to share things you have in common with people, its used all ove rthe world, and very useful for work purposes too!

The SVTFOE Fandom/Amino is a place where people obsess over ships, fanart, theories, fanfictions, posting good content, entering challenges, and becoming members if clubs. Its really fun, and an amazing community, but there are people there who don't desevre to be, but lets celebrate what we got!

I see excessive shipping, must be content from the SVTFOE Fandom/Amino

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SVTFOE - meme gif

SVTFOE meme gif

SVTFOE - video


SVTFOE - what is it?

A show, wether you like it or not, it's just short for Star Vs The Forces Of Evil, (I like it...)

Person 1) Hey do you watch svtfoe?
Person 2) wtf is that?

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What does "SVTFOE" mean?

SVTFOE stands for Star Vs The Forces Of Evil. It’s an anaimted show on Disney XD about a magic princess named Star Butterfly who is sent to earth to practice her magic. She meet a boy named Marco Diaz who then she moves in with. Together they protect everyone from the forces of evil.

Person one: β€œHey did you see the newest episode of SVTFOE?”
Person two: β€œYeah, my favorite character is Marco!”

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