Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SLUH's?

A complete gay human being who thinks he’s above every other school boy Bc he has money and smarts while no personality or friends really has no social life outside of his school doesn’t engage well with other high schoolers awkward and weird

Did you see that picture of the Sluh kid after they won state hockey

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SLUH's - meme gif

SLUH's meme gif

SLUH's - video


SLUH's - what is it?

A term used by the Broward.Bikers, the 954 broward bikers, and the broward.blox (seperate 'clubs') as well as the infamous fagler and his retarded friends.

"Ay yo, lay sluh cuh!"
"Shut the fuck up Tyler you fag"

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What does "SLUH's" mean?

Slang which means (sometimes sexual) assault of a person of color, typically done after a breakup as a form of revenge. Common in south Florida, possibly elsewhere.

Maaaaaaan I'm gonna lay sluh if they ever come near me again cuh.

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SLUH's - what does it mean?

1. Short form for a slush monkey

2. A lazier, more endearing way to say slut.

1. I love you so much sluh!

2. Get yo' ass over here, sluh!

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SLUH's - meaning

Saint Louis University of Homos

I saw a Sluh kid the other day and he was practicing soccer with a bunch of NAKED MEN. Also I have noticed that SLUH people are very arrogant, they are always talking about how thier sports and school are the best, O.K. SLUH has lost to CBC, and Vianney in ALL sports.

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SLUH's - definition

St. Louis University for Homosexuals. This is a special school for men who cannot get their hormones in order. Most of the students have been forced by their parents to attend, and many love the way that they are. It is mostly known for the many gay rights rallies that have been held outside of its campus, and its mascot Rainbowman.

Sluh is the best school for gay men.

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SLUH's - slang

When the word "slut" is distorted by a speech impediment by people usually associated with chicken nuggets. They are also very beautiful.

Nug: can i touch your penis?
Andy: oh nugget your such a Sluh
Nug: i dont TAWK LIKE THAH-

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St. Louis University High School. A Jesuit college preparatory high school for men founded in 1818. Home of the coolest mascot ever: the Junior Billiken (Jr. Bills).

How many SLUH students does it take to screw in a light bulb?
One--he holds the bulb in his hands and the world revolves around him.

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One of the best college prep schools in the country, SLUH (St. Louis University High) is an all guy's high school for the best and the brightest in the St. Louis area. SLUH guys tend to get all the ladies because what lady can't resist a man with brains, muscle, charm, and humor. Envied by all other guy high schools in St. Louis, SLUH's men for others know they are the best and are not afraid to show it. SLUH guys excel in all field of academics and co-curricular like athletics, theatre, computers, and life. SLUH guys just happen to be amazing.

"We get all the ladies and still get the grades." -SLUH guy

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SLUH stands for St. Louis University High School. Arguably one of the best College Prep schools in the country. Founded in 1818 it requires an "A" average to gain admittance, and continuously graduates students who go on to be very successful in professional life. SLUH ranks #1 in Missouri and in the top 5 nation wide in academic accomplishment.

One would be very lucky to attend SLUH, one of the best high schools in the nation.

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