Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SHARED?

(a) the act of fornicating with the intent of thrusting ones penis through a vagina until it hits their partner's skull

(b) givin a girl some "deep dick"

Guy: Ay you seen shorty at the mall? She gonna get shareed son

Guy 2: Negro please! You aint gonna hit that right! she is not down for your angry inch

👍57 👎25

SHARED - meme gif

SHARED meme gif

SHARED - video


SHARED - what is it?

I ain't sharing my stuff with those crusty, musty, bunions. go touch yourself. oh hell Nah!

Share with someone else bish

👍49 👎19

What does "SHARED" mean?

A southern slang for the word shower.

I think Imma go take me a share after I get done hunting down by the crick.

👍75 👎35

SHARED - what does it mean?

steal something that's not yours.

i use bittorrent to share files.

👍269 👎159

SHARED - meaning

Sharee is a hard working girl that looks just like a doll. She's short but has the hottest legs. Sharee is all about family and travel. She loves like no other and is a huge closet freak. Sharee is the most amazing woman you will ever run into. If you ever meet a Sharee consider yourself blessed by the heavens.

The goddess Sharee has made me smile once again through her amazing eyes.

👍41 👎13

SHARED - definition

Sharee is a gorgeous woman.

Kind and honest.
She will think about you when she's with her mum.
She can be quite full of cheek and will receive as well as she gives.
Always full of spunk and ready for anything, anytime.
I love Sharee!

if there's a woman in this world that will keep my interest for the rest of my life it's Sharee

👍43 👎13

SHARED - slang

Share ( to relate something the receiver should ignore because it probably involves a low-resolution, fake, or out-of-context photo superimposed with a grammatically-incorrect statement that someone thinks is funny but is really just a waste of time.

Thomas shared the cat-like image in an effort to antagonize his casual acquaintances.

👍123 👎45


(adj) The act or willingess of sharing.
Distinct from generous by specifically implying an act of sharing rather than giving.

Dude, don't bogart the whole thing, be shareful.

👍55 👎17


1. Giving something that belongs to you to someone else out of the goodness of your heart.

2. When two people do something together.

Let's share this piece of cake.

👍217 👎73


Amazing, absolutely beautiful, perverted, and so fun to be with.
Will make you feel so special.
The most amazing girlfriend you can ever have.
Great kisser.
You can get lost in her gorgeous eyes.
You will love her.
Likes to argue a lot and needs to be punished for it.
Extremely energetic and funny.
Will exceed your expectations.
Loves music.

Not a Fighter, but will knock the crap out of you.
Doesn't show it, but is easy to hurt.

Sharee is an awesome chick.

👍1021 👎319