Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SHALLY?

is the process of a male inserting both his erect penis and both testicles into the arse of a participating female of any species. When the bloke is about to cum, the Shally Whacking commences: the bloke rips his penis and balls out of her arse, and slaps her arse cheeks with his penis whilst cumming everywhere.

Tim "she's a dirty cunt"
Laura "how do you know?"
Tim "she said I can Shally Whack her any day"

Emma "my arse hurts"
Mark "I should fucking think so too! That'll be all the Shally Whacking"

Tim "my balls feel/smell like shit"
Emma "that'll be all the Shally Whacking. wash them you dirty bastard."

👍57 👎13

SHALLY - meme gif

SHALLY meme gif

SHALLY - video


SHALLY - what is it?

A shortened term for a Shaladin- a person who ships Shiro with the paladins from the Netflix Show: Voltron Legendary Defenders. This is a problematic and dangerous person within the fandom because it condones grooming, pedophilia, and incest-like relationships (despite being fictional) considering the paladins all met Shiro when they were under 18 and looked up to him as an authority/brother or father figure.

"Hey what's wrong?"

"Ugh I just found fanart of Shiro and Keith in a romantic relationship. I hate shallie artists. I'm gonna block and unfollow this artist. I suggest you do the same."

"Got it."

👍27 👎15

What does "SHALLY" mean?

Is your best friend that u can call he is the most wonderful lad you’ll meet if u give him the nickname shally his name would be called Ben

Is that ben I wish I was a shally

👍25 👎11

SHALLY - what does it mean?

When you shart in your pants because you are taking the weight loss drug Alli, which is known to cause accidental leakage of greasy stool.

I thought I was going to fart but instead I had a SHALLI in my pants.

👍43 👎23

SHALLY - meaning

When you go round to someones house, just to scare them, or to wreck it by throwing eggs, kicking the door, smashing windows, breaking fences, brick walls etc, getting into there back garden and stealing there stuff usually in the early hours of the morning.. but only if that person has done something to you, and/or refuses to settle it with a fight.

Person 1: That brare has been boying you hard !
Person 2: Yer, will he scrap it out then ?
Person 1: Na hes a pussy, hes bare shook, its all mouth
Person 2: Come we SHALLY his yard !

👍59 👎31

SHALLY - definition

the sweetest natural little mono anyone could ever ask for. =

If only i were as cool as a shally.

👍101 👎53

SHALLY - slang

1. Alternative word for a knife
2. The act of stabbing someone

I swear man...I could pull out a shally on this game and the ref wouldn't give anything
(Reference to Pro Evolution Soccer not being as good as Fifa)

👍87 👎41


Shallie is a wonderful person. She is so pretty and loving. She always knows how to brighten your day and she might be annoying at times but is impossible to not love. She will never give up on you, and will cheer you on no matter what. She Loves God so much, and always gives the best advice. She is/will be a great mom. If you have a Shallie in your life, NEVER let her go.

That girl is so pretty she must be a Shallie!

👍59 👎21


the girl of your dreams

I wish I was dating shally

👍51 👎13


A casual greeting local to the Ventura, CA area, 'Shally' can be used otherwise as an expression of admiration, joy or occasionally light flirtation.

Pronounced Shall-ee, with the stress on the second syllable, when spoken the speaker often adopts a winking, card-games-and-cocktails like tone.

Shally rose to prominence in 2019 featuring in several viral Tik Took videos - however its original genesis is believed to come from a contraction of the name of beloved Dallas Cowboys linebacker Sean Lee. Other possible origins include the Hindi word for 'surgical' ('shaly') and the mispronunciation of the French word for a luxury mountain hut.

*Phone rings*

👍53 👎11