Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SECTION 8?

When a person collects disability and smokes government pot.

Joe's on disability , and he smokes pot legally! He's a total section 8 nigger!!

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SECTION 8 - video


SECTION 8 - what is it?

1. Used to refer to the ghetto housing for food stamp and food card welfare recipients, Mainly inhabited by white trash and very dirty and poor African Americans.

1. "You hoe, I bet you live in Section 8 Housing."

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What does "SECTION 8" mean?

A poor trifling hoe

Niggas cheat on a good girl for a section 8 ho

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SECTION 8 - what does it mean?

an old ass typewriter that is dumb slow

I couldn't do my homework Mrs. Smith i got that section 8 laptop

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SECTION 8 - meaning

A Section 8 rim is an oversized rim for cars and trucks.

That Chevelle looks horrible with the Section 8 rims.

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SECTION 8 - definition

Tequila mix with a strawberry 🍓 kiwi 🥝 caprisun in a plastic cup

Fuck all dat boujee shit we sippin section 8 hurricanes 🌀 tonight.

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SECTION 8 - slang

A woman or man who fucks someone to avoid paying rent.

A poor skank

"I had to kick that Section 8 hoe out of my house because she quit putting out"

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the top floor of the housing projects

I'm the illest nigga in the projects. I live in the section 8 penthouse suite on the top floor. y'll aint got nothin on that section 8 penthousing.

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* government-assisted housing (i.e. CHA, projects...)

* slang for prison

"Damn bro, dat judge gave me five years of Section 8 for that robbery!"

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01: Any U.S. Armed Forces discharge based on military assessment of psychological unfitness or character traits deemed undesirable.

02: Any soldier given such a discharge or behaving as if deserving such a discharge.

03: Any person that's considered: anti-social, mentally-ill, a wrong number, a lunatic, a madman, a unstabled personality, a unstabled creature or a deranged person.

Section 8 as in what's going on in your head, not with you having Social and Rehabilitation Services paying the rent and et cetera, et cetera.

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