Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Rubrub?

when you get the rub but she doesn't stop even after you release the man cream she never stops no matter what just keep on rub forever.

John please help i'm stuck in a rubrub.

👍37 👎37

Rubrub - meme gif

Rubrub meme gif

Rubrub - video


Rubrub - what is it?

One of the most amazing and talented people you will ever meet. Always there no matter what, when they set there minds to something there is no stopping them. One of those people that's always up for a laugh, will miss you if they go somewhere for a long period of time. Cute, funny, laid back, young at heart. loves their family so much and would do anything for them no matter whhat.

Rubrub ' I miss you '

You ' I miss you too '

Rubrub ' love you '

👍75 👎39

What does "Rubrub" mean?

RobTop, the creator of The Ultimate Rage Game, Geometry Dash.

RubRub, why did you make your game so hard?

👍119 👎11