Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Rosenborg?

Rosenborg skole is the most drug-using school in Trondheim.

DEALER 1 :Hi, there's Pedram, he goes to Rosenborg Skole
DEALER 2 :Let's ask him to get drugs.

👍25 👎11

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Rosenborg - what is it?

Widely popoular Norwegian football team, from the town of Trondheim. Since they tend to win the national league every year, they join the UEFA's champion league tournament as the only Norwegian team, and thus they have supporters from all over Norway and Scandinavia. They play in black and white and their home stadium is called Lerkendal.
By football I mean the sport where 2x11 players actually kick the ball with their feet, not the Yankee version of rugby, where they hardly ever touch the ball with their feet.

Jeg er Rosenborg tilhenger! (I am a Rosenborg fan)

👍51 👎21