Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Rooper?

When you fart into a girls mouth, (or guys if you spin that way.)

Al: Dude did u fuck her
Jed: no but i gave her a rooper that shell never forget. The smell is stil pouring out of her mouth.

👍37 👎53

Rooper - video


Rooper - what is it?

Rooper: a misspelling of the word pooper that is censored by the public lobby chat in the asymmetrical horror game 'Dead by Daylight'. Though it is generally used to replace the word 'loop' (a term of art in DbD) it is a nonsense word and is not tied to any particular word class.
Note: ironically the word pooper is NOT censored. Other variants of rooper are not censored as well; such as: roop, roopering, roopers, and rooped.

stupid rooper, rooper on me pappi. what's up mr.rooper, surprisingly that meghead was a great rooper, I'm rooping the killer, I rooped the killer for 5 gens

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