Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Riffer?

Biggest noob!

I ama Caitlin Riffer at videogames!

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Riffer meme gif

Riffer - video


Riffer - what is it?

When a guitarist has a hard to coming up with new riffs. Similar to when a writer has trouble coming up with any new ideas.

Rhythm Guitarist: 'Come up with any new riff for tomorrow's practice?'

Lead Guitarist: 'No, sorry, I had Riffer's Block.'

👍29 👎13

What does "Riffer" mean?

Alluding to guitar-strumming.

Achmed bombastically claimed dat he could play da guitar much better than Guitar Guy, but since his bony-skeleton arms always just dangle loosely beside him, said rifference seems kinda silly.

👍25 👎11

Riffer - what does it mean?

The opposite of shredder
a riffer is simply a one hell of a rhythm guitar player

Jack owen is a goddamn riffer

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