Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Revolver Ocelot's?

The greatest man alive, he has fucked all of your mothers, especially Cosmixmaster's mom. He fucked her thrice.

"Did you see that guy,he was almost as cool as Drunken Revolver Ocelot, you know that guy who fucked Cosmixmaster's mom 3 times."

👍37 👎41

Revolver Ocelot's - video


Revolver Ocelot's - what is it?

a guy who puts smegma on his sandwiches

"darryl puts smegma on his sandwiches instead of mayonaise."

"dude darryl's a total dro"

👍39 👎43

What does "Revolver Ocelot's" mean?

Drink first appearing on the website
Named after the Metal Gear Solid character of the same name.

Drink consists of 6 shot glasses organized in a hexagon, which resembles the chambers of a revolver.

3 of the shot glasses are filled part way with Vodka, the other 3 shot glasses are filled part way with Wild Turkey American honey whiskey. Top off the shot glasses with Sprite or SevenUp.

Shout "TIME PARADOX!" and then take all 6 shots in quick succession.

Friend 1: Joe's pretty drunk, I bet we could get him to do a Revolver Ocelot.

Friend 2: Uhhh i think hes already doing it...

Joe (heard from other room): TIME PARADOX!

👍55 👎23

Revolver Ocelot's - what does it mean?

The coolest villain in the entire Metal Gear series.

"The Colt Single Action Army, the greatest hand gun ever made. Six shots. More than enough to kill anything that moves"!
-Revolver Ocelot, Metal Gear Solid

👍621 👎229

Revolver Ocelot's - meaning

King of all badassery. Toasts hundreds of fools with his Single Action Army revolver like its nothing new. Ruins people's shit as often as he breathes. Has an arm that is controlled by Liquid Snake, a dead guy with a British accent.

"Whoa, you're such a Revolver Ocelot, I want your children!"

👍323 👎79

Revolver Ocelot's - definition

Totally badass villain in the Metal Gear series who was a triple-crossing agent at the age of 18.
In his youth he was unhealthily obsessed with killing Big Boss in a dramatic showdown. Big Boss is the man who introduced him to CQC and to his trademark revolver.
He later murders, maims, and tortures his way towards his ultimate goal of getting rid of the Patriots forever and bringing Big Boss back to life, including pretending to be possessed by Liquid Snake's arm.

He is the son of the Boss and the Sorrow, and was snatched away from his mother right after his birth. It is unknown whether or not he ever found out who his parents were.

Revolver Ocelot like spinning his guns to impress his enemies.

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Revolver Ocelot's - slang

Revolver Ocelot

Revolver Ocelot: Revolver Ocelot

👍85 👎19

Revolver Ocelot's

Bad-ass mother fucker from the Metal Gear Solid series. Real name: Adam. Alias: Ivan.

"That's abusing your right to free speech Mr. President. Or is it... Ex-President?"

👍225 👎39

Revolver Ocelot's

Revolver Ocelot is an extremely gifted gunslinger. He is quite slick with his Colt Single Action Armies.

Revolver Ocelot smoked a couple of guys with his Colt SAA.

Revolver Ocelot is quite slick.

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