Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Response Suggestion?

Used in examples how Urban Dictionary entries are supposed to be used. After the words "Response Suggestion" follows an answer that would fit the description of a new entry UD entry, and can be used as an argument to establish that someone is replying inappropriately.

Mom: Will you wake up already, you're late for school!
Me: (half sleeping) I'm too tired to go to school.
Mom: You always say that! But you're not skipping school this time! Get your butt out of bed now!
Me: That is so inappropriate, mom
Mom: Excuse me?
Me: Here, look at this response suggestion from UD, you're supposed to say: "Oh, sweetheart, are you so tired? Better skip school today, you don't want to get more tired!"
Response suggestion
Mom: Ah, I see, my bad, please stay home, you don't want to get even more tired!

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Response Suggestion - video