Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Respect the drip Karen?

Respect the Drip Karen refers to a viral video in which a person explains that they've been working on a new outfit but their stepmother won't allow them to wear it out and then reveal their outfit while saying "respect the drip, Karen."

Me~Mum look at the outfit I brought
Mum~EWW your not allowed to wear that it's too revealing
Me~respect the drip Karen πŸ™„

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Respect the drip Karen - video


Respect the drip Karen - what is it?

It's when someone says something bad about your appereance or your clothes. like you come to family dinner and aunt Karen says: oh honey those pants are just awful!

you say: respect the drip, karen.

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What does "Respect the drip Karen" mean?

A tik tok reference, that refers to someone wearing a outfit of choice (normally strange outfit) and complaining about how they cannot wear it out. Therefore telling Karen to respect the drip (drip meaning outfit or style)

I can’t believe she won’t let me wear this outfit

Like respect the drip, karen

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Respect the drip Karen - what does it mean?

Something one says at a completely random time without any explanation needed (also known as a reference of TikTok)

*eating at a nice family event*

At random: β€œrespect the drip Karen.”

*goes on with life*

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