Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Remiss?

Shit remission: medical term. When you have to take a giant shit but you have to hold it for so long that the density of the shit becomes greater than the carbon of a dead star. This results in shit remission, a state where the shitter no longer feels the urge to shit. Eventually the shitter forces it out, often times naturally, and then they regain the normal function of the bowels.

“Man I had to take a shit but it’s just gone now. what happened?”
“Oh dude you just got shit remission. You’ll be fine.”

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Remiss - meme gif

Remiss meme gif

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Remiss - what is it?

To Remix and Piss at the same time

joe totally remissed at the club last night

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What does "Remiss" mean?

When a beautiful young lady kicks medical ass and rocks the entire world!!!!

My word, Jocelyn just remissioned the ass off of that!

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Remiss - what does it mean?

To not do a thing that you should have a done. A word likely to be used by britons

It would be remiss of me not to tap the ass of the hot waiter I just tipped two dollars

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