Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Redsox?

The most pile of trash team you can possibly think about. They have obnoxious fans who are a disgrace to the planet due to their lack of baseball knowledge, and smell like complete and utter shit. It's the type of team you would say, "oh hey? Is that guy wearing a redsox jersey? What a fuckin douche!" Any time you see the redsox, you would want to grab the nearest sharp object, forcefully shove it through your eyeballs, then shove it up your ass until you start leaking anal blood however make sure to catch it so you can drink it and die of choking on the anal blood.

Jimbo is a redsox fan. He watches and roots vehemently for the redsox every day. His friend Hubert calls him a fuckface for watching such a pile of garbage. Jimbo cries in his pillow like the pussy bitch he is for rooting for the redsox. Don't be like Jimbo. Be like Hubert.

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Redsox - meme gif

Redsox meme gif

Redsox - video

Redsox - what is it?

The September 11 attacks were precipitated in large part because Osama bin Laden, the leader of the militant Islamic organization al-Qaeda, held naive beliefs about the United States in the run-up to the attacks. Abu Walid al-Masri, an Egyptian who was a bin Laden associate in Afghanistan in the 1980s and ’90s, explained that, in the years prior to the attacks, bin Laden became increasingly convinced that America was weak. β€œHe believed that the United States was much weaker than some of those around him thought,” Masri remembered, and β€œas evidence he referred to what happened to the United States in Beirut when the bombing of the Marines base led them to flee from Lebanon,” referring to the destruction of the marine barracks there in 1983 (see 1983 Beirut barracks bombings), which killed 241 American servicemen. Bin Laden believed that the United States was a β€œpaper tiger,” a belief shaped not just by America’s departure from Lebanon following the marine barracks bombing but also by the withdrawal of American forces from Somalia in 1993, following the deaths of 18 U.S. servicemen in Mogadishu, and the American pullout from Vietnam in the 1970s.

i love redsox r34!!!

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What does "Redsox" mean?

A dillusional group of fans that actually thinks Boston Redsox will win the World Series this millenium.

A dillusional group of fans that thinks the Redsox can beat the New York Yankees in a meaningful game in October.

A group of fans that believes a curse from Babe Ruth has beset their team.

Favorite words for members of Redsox Nation to remember,"1918","Babe Ruth","Bucky Dent","Bill Buckner",and "Aaron Boone".

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Redsox - what does it mean?

Obviously this guy above me spoke a couple months too soon.

The Red Sox Nation (RSN) for short is a group of hardcore fans for the Boston Red Sox. They support them whether they are winning or losing and will always support them.

Dude I've been apart of the RedSox Nation all my life!

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Redsox - meaning

a person who believes the yankees are an evil empire of bullshit and want Steinbrehner to die.

Google image search "100 ways to kill Derek Jeter"

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Redsox - definition

A team that sucks dick and has 99 o/o bitchy fans. All gay, haters.

Redsox fucking blow

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Redsox - slang

Falling apart near the end or coming up short near the end.

Sport teams hate to redsox near the end of the season

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To put a used maxi pad into someones sneaker

Dammit, Jeremy redsoxed me. I hate that so much. I hate Redsoxing

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A Pro. sports team that plays for Boston. They are know as the best there is, there best there was, and the best there ever will be.

man: hey i got tickets to the yankees.

cool man: THE YANKEES! Man they SUCK! I am going to the redsox game!!!

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