Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Red Raider?

Where you take a 12 pack in the shower and have to finish it before you can get out. 15 minute time limit. First thing I learned when I moved to Lubbock, Texas.

Example 1: "Bro take a red raider shower when you get home so you can meet up with us at Chimys"

Example 2: "Im going to take a red raider shower so I can sleep better"

Example 3: "Its game day, going to take a 5 minute red raider shower"

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Red Raider - video


Red Raider - what is it?

A generic STD which is prevalent at Texas Tech University and Lubbock, Texas, because Lubbock, Texas doesn't believe in sex ed, or condoms.

I was in Lubbock for a TTU football game, had unprotected sex, and now I am pregnant, and have a bad case of Red Raider Rash.

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What does "Red Raider" mean?

The mascot of Texas Tech University. Located in Lubbock, Texas Tech is known for it's flat, dry land and the best girls in the world.

Tom: Man I love seein aggies bow down for Red Raiders

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Red Raider - what does it mean?

Having intercourse with a woman on her menstral period.

He precided to perform a red raider on his girlfriend.

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