Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Rah rah?

A 'game' played by private school fags which involves principaly sticking thier heads up each other's asses.
Also known as 'Rugby Union'

Look at those North Shore Private School Silvertails sticking their heads up each others asses! They must be playing Rah-Rah

👍83 👎97

Rah rah - video


Rah rah - what is it?

Someone who attends private school, has messy blonde hair, lives in Berkshire, plays rugby, has an Aga, holidays in the Caribbean, knows someone who knows a member of the royal family, has an investment banker father, has a Range Rover, will go to Durham or Bristol university to study languages and is called Jeremy or Jemima.

Rah Rah! Like sooo rah. Raaaaah.

👍71 👎71

What does "Rah rah" mean?

Masculine, macho

"I know chihuahuas that's mo' rah rah, / Ha ha, / I have to laugh Dre, I bet he take bubble baths"
- Hitman on Dr. Dre's 2001

👍75 👎75

Rah rah - what does it mean?

Is the term usually given to the Pep Squad at school; A Cheer Leader or anyone associated in 'The Spirit' of a function, group, or activity. Other names used for Pep Squad; Cheer, Pom Pom's, Yell, Yell Leaders, Spirit Squad, and Mascots

Rah Rah's can also be the friends who hang out with Cheer Leaders. It denotes a specific social group or click

Right before the start of a Pep Rally at the local high school a group of Rah Rah's were chatting it up, waiting for their cue to enter center stage of the gymnasium to perform their new routine.

👍65 👎51

Rah rah - meaning

noisily enthusiastic, especially in a partisan collegiate context (from a shortening of hurrah used by cheerleaders)

Why were they so rah-rah for someone who was such a jackass?

👍79 👎53

Rah rah - definition

a person who was born with a spoon in their mouth, usually of the silver variety. They will have recieved a private education and at least one person in the family will be into ponies. They will wear silly clothes and their lack of integration leaves them with a very unique sense of fashion. They look down at the common folk and daddy drives a land rover vogue. Will generally own a "new Mini" and drive around in their car bought for them whilst wearing a body warmer of sorts. Floppy hair and lots of cheek kissing. Girls will be called : Hatty, Poppy, Ellie, Tabatha, Tamar etc. They will never carry a bag over the shoulder and would rather carry more books than they can manage under one arm. There are few problems with the types until the university stage where they are released into society. The naive pomp of these fools can often lead to violence. Degree courses will include law, politics, English or History.

I have to leave the library, there is no way I can listen to these rah-rah dicks shitting out their mouths for any longer

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Rah rah - slang

Talkin' Sh*t. Tryin' to get loud on somebody.

Joe called me yesterday with some Rah Rah sh*t and got cussed out and hung up on.

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Rah rah

The MOST annoying way to say 'ect' or 'you know how the story goes / what i mean'

Person 1: And then she said 'How could you kiss my boyfriend, rah-rah-rah' Girl continues talking
Person 2:.....

(Person 1 finally walks away)

Person 3: You ok sugar?
Person 2: If that girl says rah-rah-rah again i will kill her.

👍37 👎57

Rah rah

so on and so forth, etc, who really cares?

and she was like "dont do that! thats bad and rah rah rah" does the lady ever shut up?

👍95 👎57

Rah rah

When a person is talking reckless about someone

"She talking all the rah rah "

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