Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ROAD?

When you are hanging out on the street.

Ademi: Yo, Where's Andre?

Rita: Yo, He is On Road

👍123 👎53

ROAD - meme gif

ROAD meme gif

ROAD - video


ROAD - what is it?

An erection males experience caused by the vibrating sensation from driving in a automobile.

Dude, I can't get out of the car yet. I still have a road on from that long ride.

👍51 👎17

What does "ROAD" mean?

An open passageway of sorts, usually for transportation vehicles.

For the ignorant in the crowd, (i.e. "j") "The Road Not Taken" is by Robert Frost, NOT Emily Dickinson.

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ROAD - what does it mean?

Something we don't need where we're going.

Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads!

👍83 👎29

ROAD - meaning

the space between two potholes .

there is always a road between two potholes in india .

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ROAD - definition

Phrase used to describe the past or future road you have / will travel.

The road is long and tough.

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ROAD - slang

A hard area,generally an estate,but it can be anywhere a lot of crime goes on.Lots of 'G's hang here and roll

He lives for the roads more time in pen dont waste you're time trying preach to him,blud this boy needs help no man can chat ta him..

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Being on road is dealing drugs or trafficking.

Yo Michael sorry bro I couldn't respond to your text last night I was on road.

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The road is where white lines let cars drive safely, and where drivers have a mutual agreement to not play bumper cars.

"Hey dude, I'm going to go buy some groceries. I'm driving my car, wanna come with me on the road?

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Acronym used in the military: "Retired On Active Duty." Describes personnel approaching retirement, where they show up for duty but do little more than run down the clock to their retirement day.

Major Payne is ROAD. I can't get any help from him. I understand he's retiring soon, but he still needs to do his job until his official last day of duty.

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