Definder - what does the word mean?

What is RI's?


Omg you’re such a Ri

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RI's - meme gif

RI's meme gif

RI's - video


RI's - what is it?

An abbreviation for a GameFAQs board, "Random Insanity"

RI is the home to many social topics!

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What does "RI's" mean?

chinese pronounciation borrowing for fuck,which commonly used in oral language like cao/kao/gan/ru.

Wo ri ni men,mei guo sha bi.haha

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RI's - what does it mean?

Received in swap (makeupalley acronym)

RIS. This hair product sucks, so I'm passing it on as a swap item.

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RI's - meaning

RIS stands for Reverse Image Search and is a common online tool -initially made famous by google re: their 'search google by image' option.

theoretically, the r.i.s. tool allows anyone to search the entire web, i.e., google, by a photo (jpeg, .img, etc.) All the user has to do is right click any photo in their browser, select RIS, and chrome will perform a search using that specific image file - a stark contrast to the traditional option, text.

TINA: you've never met him, don't meet him at his place. you only know him from tinder
REY: not true! we're fb friends and he follows me on twitter... plus i matched up his snapchat's to his insta and they totally matched. then i ris'd every single one of his ig photo's. he's not a catfish!
TINA: nice that was smart... but he could still be a good looking serial killer, just meet him at max's - no harm no foul.

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RI's - definition

Anyone named Ris has an energy like no other. People with this name hold a supernatural sense of intuition. They are empathetic and kind, but will not hesitate to fight for what is right. They can spot a shallow person at the drop of a hat. They do not like encounters with fuck boys and basic bitches. It's no lie that anyone named Ris is absolutely gorgeous, but they are still humble and modest.Those named Ris are often PoC, mainly Asian and/or of Asian decent. Ris's are always right, and always the best type of person.

Person 1: Did you see Ris today?
Person 2: Yes, wow they are so beautiful and graceful.

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RI's - slang

This girl is literal your queen ! If dumped this girl you're an idiot . Treat her right, bitch !

Ri you are the best

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over excitement an jovial spirit. met with rainbows unicorns an sparkle dust

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I don't get it. Just type RIS whenever you don't get something, and no-one else will get it too.

RIS? I don't get it.

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Ri ri ri means to fornicate or to have sexual relations with anyone or anything.

Two Guys the morning after a huge party.

Guy #1: So, dude, I saw ya headin upstairs with that Dara chick... What's the story there?

Guy #2: Fuck yeah dude, I took her up there a we were like ri ri ri all night long.

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