Definder - what does the word mean?

What is RAZZ?

A term used in the Midlands and North of England to describe rushing to one place or another.

"If the police show up, razz it!'

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RAZZ - meme gif

RAZZ meme gif

RAZZ - video


RAZZ - what is it?

When someone says something stupid and you make fun of them for it. Similar to roast

A: What's the word for when someone says something stupid and you tease them for it? Razzing?
B: Roasting, you idiot.

A: you're razzing me!

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What does "RAZZ" mean?

To go on a random drive

Oi lads who wants to go on a razz around town tonight?

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RAZZ - what does it mean?

Verb: Based on angient Hawaiian traditions, to razz means to heckle an innocent and simple man, thereupon eliciting a state of confusion amidst the victim, whomst consequently begins to cry.

Dude, did you see Manoa? She totally razzed that guy.

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RAZZ - meaning

Noun: A Nigerian slang used to describe obnoxious individuals who try desprately hard to fit in.

Verb: To act in Razz

Ex Noun: "I can tell the razz bunch by their clothes"

Ex Verb: "Dont be razz" or "Dont be a razzo"

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RAZZ - definition

do talk up girls

mate i razzed some prime biddy yesterday

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RAZZ - slang

To be utterly dissed or roasted in a somewhat unfair manner.

1. I keep getting razzed by Webby.
2. Man I just copped a razzing in the group chat.

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Similar to cheesed. To be in a state of anger often caused by one of the boys.

Damn my boy Lenny is so razzed I stole his pocket Pussy

I am so razzed she didn’t let me hit

Beauty I’m so razzed the girls are wearing there hats right now. They look bare dust!

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Annoy or tease

She often razzed her classmates.

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Verb. Local slang from Melbourne, Australia.

To be friendly to a particular person in order to gain sexual preference with them. Often seen in the context "on the razz."

Timmy is totally razzing Emily.

Marcus is on the razz.

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