Definder - what does the word mean?

What is RAZA?

a type of pakistinian camel

Hey, go get my raza so i can ride home.

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RAZA - meme gif

RAZA meme gif

RAZA - video


RAZA - what is it?

1. The hottest most irresistible man on earth
2. A literal pussy magnet
3. God of the ass
4. Does not mean race in Mexican

That dude is such a Raza he's drowning in pussy.

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What does "RAZA" mean?

hypebeast, cunt nugget, etc.

-Why is that guy wearing Supreme, Kid Robot, and G-Shock?

-Don't know but he's being a Raza

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RAZA - what does it mean?

sugar daddy asf. hes so hot and sexy that he makes men gay. hes so hot and sexy he makes women gay too. he will magnum your opus ;)
like damn, y yall razas so hot?

ur such a raza, ur so hot.
hes so emo, he reminds me of raza.

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RAZA - meaning

An Arabic name, form of "Rida".
Derived from "Razzi" and "Razzoo", but in simple terms Asni.

What an absolute Raza.

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RAZA - definition

Literally has the biggest cock ever and is a god of gods

Hey man look its Raza,shit I gotta go clean my foreskin before he inspects it

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RAZA - slang

1. spanish for race, especially for the latin
2. la raza or la gente means yo peops, yo holmies, if they's latinos
3. raza means a vato from the southside, especially a g

1. "this is fo the raza" by kid frost
2. Γ³ra, cuate, ΒΏq hiciste tΓΊ ayel? - na mΓ‘, sΓ³lo de siempre, jangueal con mi raza.
3. Γ©l se pasaba bien tripeando cuando unos razas aparecieron y le daba una tiraera

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Spanish word for race (as in what race you are), usually used by Mexicans or chicanos of other latin disents.

"This is for la raza!"- Kid Frost
Viva La Raza!
You get the point

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Contributes to the concept of racial unification among hispanics. This word is used mainly by the Mexican or hispanic people who live in the United states. This word is often used in conjunction with a concept of unity. It is a slang term for race which is isn't exclusively for the the Mexican Americans but for all hispanics who use it in their media in the United States. La Raza is used to identify the opressed Mexican American or other hispanics voices in America today.

An example would of a song would be "La Raza" by Kid Frost.

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Literally race. Usually used by us Mexicans (or Chicanos) to describe our people.

"Que viva la Raza!"
" I hate to see Raza killing each other."

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