Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Queerball?

The name for anyone who has been exposed to a large amount of gaydiation. A gayger counter is needed to detect the presence of anyone contaminated with gaydium.

Person 1: "It seems I have consumed a large portion of gaydon."
Person 2: "Haha, do you like dicks in your butt?"
Person 1: "Uhh...what?"
Person 2: "Haha, your new name is Queerballs Gayburg."

👍51 👎25

Queerball - video


Queerball - what is it?

a person that is stupid and lies to fit in with the group.

randy u are such a queerball!!

👍39 👎61

What does "Queerball" mean?

someone who is a stupid retard

You are such a Queerball

👍63 👎65