Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Queeny?

A (typically) large homosexual who runs like a mouse. Often makes loud noises and uses strange words.

"Holy ****, was that a queenie walking by?"

"Ray, can you shut up? You're such a queenie."

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Queeny - meme gif

Queeny meme gif

Queeny - video


Queeny - what is it?

The act of pooping from elevation upon someone holding a clear surface between them and the pooper. World record - 50 feet

Joe attempted a world record Queenie from 52 feet, but missed the glass and plastered Mike's stomach with a load of reincarnated Sloppy Joes.

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What does "Queeny" mean?

a crabbit old man with no hair

hus that gurnin over there.? o its queenie

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Queeny - what does it mean?

A game frequently played in the workplace. It is the act of going up behind an unsuspecting victim and vigorously shoving your index and middle finger into their rosebud (Asshole) and shouting "QUEENIE!" claiming your point and Causing immense shock and laughter. Not very plesent if they have shit skids.

"Oh my god! Tony from electricals just came up behind me and performed an immense queenie!"

"Unlucky for him i leave shit skids.

"Ill queenie you later, bitch!"


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Queeny - meaning

gay or effeminate male, Male person with a bitchy, narcassistic attititude, A man who projects the very worst characteristics of femininity

Ilram looked a little "Queenie" in his performance at the Body Art Ball.

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Queeny - definition

Word used for all types of gays (homosexual, lesbian, bisexual)

"That little queenie with the earring and the make up, yeah buddy, that's his own hair!"

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Queeny - slang

Slang mostly used in Canada for 20 dollar bills because of the Queen of England or Canada is on the back of the banknote.

When a king is head of the British monarchy it's called a King Royal.

Person 1:I got some money for dat
Person 2: Ight, it's one Queenie

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Queeny- bitchy , stubborn, a prick anything that means they become a total douche bag

β€œOmg Alice! What was up with Jen?”
β€œ I don’t know but she has been really queeny lately!”

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A minge magnet, Queeny is an absolute steel shit-house who nobody fucks with.

Man: Oh God it's Queeny! Please, just take my money! *runs*

Minge: Oh my God it's Queeny! *froths at the gash*

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a woman who cannot be trusted. will steal anything and everything from you and have sex with any guy in sight.

"Dude, that queeny stole my money then fucked my boyfriend, my brother and that bum down the street!"

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