Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pussy Whip?

To be a slave to your woman.

Matt Davis Is So Pussy Whipped.

👍297 👎95

Pussy Whip - video


Pussy Whip - what is it?

When the male of the homosapien species repeatedly puts off and furthermore completely absolves social time with his male and female friends because of the wishes of his master (female overlord). It should be noted from large amounts of scientific sampling if his female overlord is a graduate of Texas A&M the control seems to be near absolute. With the only means of escape being a bi-weekly cock-stamp ing of his overlord to remind her who is in charge. However our specimen never has the courage to perform the stamping, due to fear of intercourse being cut-off or extreme limiting of future activities, eating and breathing included.

Our specimen is so pussy whipped he cancels pre standing plans with long time friends and to be noted their girlfriends as well, to pursue activities on nasty oil infected beaches of the gulf coast. This is done simply by the request of his female overlord, with no thought of his friends or their significant others.

👍99 👎27

What does "Pussy Whip" mean?

A man who compromises his manhood in order to pacify the woman in the relationship for the purpose of maintaining access to the vagina.

He will not stand up to her becouse hes pussy whiped!

👍1429 👎455

Pussy Whip - what does it mean?

a condition whereby a male gives up the exclusive use of his nads because a chick gave him some; usually followed by a bullwhip cracking gesture and accompanying sound effects

Dude! You are so whipped!

👍245 👎69

Pussy Whip - meaning

(1) adj - situation whereupon a male is undeniably at the mercy of his high-maintinence girlfriend & answers to her every beck and call, usually followed by the reprioritizing of girlfriend over friends, family, school, food, water, and air.
(2) adj - making decisions based on the incentive of sex

(1) omg, tom's girl has him so fucking pussy whipped that instead of going to the yankees game with me and the boys, he spent his whole weekend at the pottery barn expo, picking out ceramic cats and china patterns. ::insert cracking bull-whip sound HERE::
(2) if she didn't give it up all the time, he wouldn't be so goddamned pussy whipped.

👍11881 👎3389

Pussy Whip - definition

A man with no balls or backbone that has a super high maintenance girlfriend or wife. The majority of newly married men are considered to be severely pussy whipped.

Can't make decisions without asking her and nothing ever goes his way. Most of his friends have disowned him and openly mock him.

Jim - "Yo Jerry, I have tickets for the Browns and Steelers game"

Jerry - "Uh, ah, uh I have to ask Mindy if I can go. Just a minute." Silence then loud screaming in the background.

Jerry - "Sorry, but Mindy wants me to go to the arts and craft show this weekend"

Jim - "You dickless pussy whipped sack of shit. Tell the bitch your going"

Jerry - "I can't do that! You don't understand"

👍851 👎157

Pussy Whip - slang

Fuck all these other definitions, pussy whipped is when you sprung high as hell off the pussy, you desert everything for the pussy and live for the pussy. Pussy so good you willing to take all her shit just to keep it to your self. It is often associated with the effects of crack use. its just so addictive to you, you cant leave it alone. Warning, being called pussy whipped can also mean that you are a bitch nigga.

Boy 1- Ay G you wanna hit up the block later?
Boy 2- Naw i'ma pass my girl want me to plant tulips with her.
Boy 1- Word G? She got you planting flowers and shit?!
Boy 2- Yeah thats my boo.
Boy 1- Nah nigga you just pussy whipped.
*In both sense of the word.

👍807 👎145

Pussy Whip

A man who does whatever his girlfriend/wife tells him.

My dad, he is so pussy whipped he cannot think for himself any more.

👍191 👎31

Pussy Whip

The act of whipping ones cooter with a twisler until they either orgasm or bleed out

"Looks like we have another pussy whipping death on our hands" Exclaimed Officer Cocksquat

👍31 👎15

Pussy Whip

Cool, creamy dessert topping that tastes like fresh-teased pussy. Credited with launching the poon-flavored trend in food manufacturing.

Rumored to be used by neglected housewives to retrain their husbands in a Pavlovian methodology to crave the taste of pussy.

Honey, she put Pussy Whip on everything in the house. Now, whenever it's dinnertime, all I hear out of the bedroom is giggles!

👍59 👎83