Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Purrrr?

nate mulqueen

Big purrrr means a big homie like nate mulqueen

👍27 👎11

Purrrr - meme gif

Purrrr meme gif

Purrrr - video


Purrrr - what is it?

Something only the baddest of bitches can say. It shows approval or excitement

I just received 200 dollar from my sugar daddy purrrr!

👍51 👎13

What does "Purrrr" mean?

When you see something you like or when ur agreeing with something

Purrr I got some pinsole purrrpurrrr

👍63 👎17

Purrrr - what does it mean?

Purrrr means period

look at what I drew” oh purrrr

👍75 👎19