Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pulak?

Happiness.....Smile on one's face....

The Pulak on your face denotes that you are extremely delighted .

👍25 👎11

Pulak - video


Pulak - what is it?

The person who knows to give only happiness.

He is such a pulak person

👍27 👎13

What does "Pulak" mean?

Pulak is handsome, he is hilarious and can make a sad or angry person laugh. He has a good taste of clothes. He is loved by everyone.

Pulak is cute and very polite.


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Pulak - what does it mean?

A guy with the ugliest eyebrows ever.

He thinks he is the most desirable guy to exist whereas his weird looks and annoying behaviour drives all the girls away.

Ew, he's such a Pulak!

👍27 👎15

Pulak - meaning

Pulak is loved by everyone and always looks better every time you see him again. He has great hair and is very cool. All girls surround him and are always trying to get him to go out with them.

I wish I could be Pulak

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