Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pre-Fab?

To "Pre-fabricate" the basis for calling in sick from work or missing an appointment the following day.

About an hour before closing time, John pulls out a bottle of Pepto-Bismal and places it on the top of his desk. As co-workers draw pass by, John complains that his stomach is upset. Later that night, I spot John at the Bar, hanging out with his buddies. The next morning, John calls in Sick. Johns Pepto routine was clearly a Pre-Fab for calling in sick the next day.

As Bill get's ready to leave the office, he complains about a pinched nerve in his neck and says "I need to see a Chiropractor". Bill is most likely Pre-Fabbin', we don't expect to see him at work tomorrow

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Pre-Fab - meme gif

Pre-Fab meme gif

Pre-Fab - video
