Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Potterheads?

People who are generally obsessed with the Fandom known as Harry Potter. These people are rather Awesome and have the most amazing taste in books and authors.
Potterheads also have a Queen, also known as J.K.Rowling, the creator of Harry Potter. She is their Idol.

Potterheads Bucket Lists usually include the following:

-Meet the Cast of HP and J.K.Rowling
-Read and Watch HP at least 10 times
-Watch AVPM/S/SY
-Meet Team Starkid
-Go to the Warner Brothers Studios (The Making of HP)
-Go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando
-Visit the Hogwarts Castle.
-Own as much HP Merchandise as possible.

Person 1: OMG! OMG! I got the tickets!

Person 2: For what?!

Person 1: Warner Bros Studio! I'm going to the Making of Harry Potter Tour!

Person 2: You're such a Potterhead.

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Potterheads - meme gif

Potterheads meme gif

Potterheads - video

Potterheads - what is it?

An extreme version of a fan of the Harry Potter books.

The extremity of a particular Potterhead's behavior can range from merely obsessing about the books by reading them more than 5 times each, and the movies by watching them more than 5 times each, to a fangirl or boy who stalks the celebrities, own a livejournal to write fanfiction, draw fanart, post self-made YouTube fanvideos, pray to shrines accordingly to their section of the fandom (eg. The Good Ship, slash, Manippers...etc), listen to Wizard rock (Wrock) and/or spend hours on a discussion forum debating on theories and opinions.

The ages of Potterheads can range from 13-80, depending on the maturity of the person. Extremists are generally older, as the Harry Potter fandom revolves largely around sex between characters, money needed to BUY Harry Potter items (that parents are unlikely to comply with), and a good sense of humor and wit to protect, again, the Potterhead's section of the fandom, as sections tend to clash (eg. Shipping Wars).

A Potterhead, however, is not a 10 year old who wears Harry Potter gear, dresses up with glasses, a cape, and a drawn on scar. A Potterhead is NOT one who thinks Ron Weasley is stupid (with exception to radical H/Hr shippers). A Potterhead is not one who does not know how to read, but watches the films and worships Emma Watson. A Potterhead is not a nerd. Nerds are too busy studying to obsess about pop culture.

A Potterhead can be closely affiliated with fangirl, fan, or Obsessed Freak of Nature.

11 year old Girl: OH EM GEE! I luV HaRrY POtTeR! It Is SoOo KeWl! RoN is So StUpId! I hAvE aLl tHe MoVieS On DvD! I dOn'T uNdErStAnD wHy Harry/Hermione DoN't GeT tOgEtHeR! DeY aRe So MeAnT 2 b In da MoViEs!

Potterhead: Go fuck yourself, you friggen peice of shit. *SQUEEE*

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What does "Potterheads" mean?

Generally someone who loves harry potter (like me) mostly amazing people that have not much to do in their lives...will know every single fact to harry potter!

Potterhead: did you know that Emma Watson is related to an accused witch (true fact..told you I am a Potterhead)
Dude: are such a POTTERHEAD

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Potterheads - what does it mean?

For all you poor muggles and squibs who have no idea the wow-ness of Harry Potter, a Potterhead is part of the best fandom in the world. Potterheads have read ALL the books, watched the movies, and were annoyed that Harry Potter himself did not use the Elder wand to fix his own. Potterheads are those who know who Peeves and Winky are, are found to say 'always' and have a slight panic attack when hearing the words magic or giant. Also, Potterheads can be found trying to bring children into the fandom and (usually) read or write fanfictions. Potterheads are known for the amount of online friends they have and the lack of real friends.

A: Hagrid is such a weirdo.
A: Who's Grawp?

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Potterheads - meaning

Ugh Muggles.

Unbothered by these basic muggles who are clearly not potterheads

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Potterheads - definition

Amazingly cool people who are obsessed with Harry Potter.

Person 1: Have you got Deathly Hallows yet?

Person 2: Hell, yeah! I was at my local book shop from 7pm until Midnight on 20th July 2007 to buy it!

Person 1: 'Course, you're such a Potterhead *gazes adoringly*

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Potterheads - slang

The Best fandom in the world

β€œHey have you seen the Potterheads?”

β€œYeah they are the best.”

Potterheads are the best

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a teenage international social group of hardcore Harry Potter fans.
They usually write fanfiction, music (so called Wizardrock) and make any other kind of art.


Being a Potterhead usually has an influence to further life of a teenager.

Many popular writers have an episode in fanfiction.
For example polish writer Ewa BiaΕ‚oΕ‚Δ™cka or american Cassandra Clare.


Many Potterheads make music called Wizardrock. It's new genere of music in which lyrics are about Harry Potter world.

Two most popular musicals are A Very Potter Musical and A Very Potter Sequel. Star of those performances - Darren Criss - is now in a popular TV show Glee.

Potterheads made A Very Potter Musical. Yeah, Darren Criss was once a Potterhead!

Cassandra Clare wrote fanfiction.

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A Harry potter fanatic

The premier was jam packed with potterheads dressed in costume

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The best fandom in the world.

Potterheads - Someone incredibly proud to be apart of the Harry Potter Generation and have stuck with Harry Until The Very End.

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