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What is Post Secret?

The secret held during sex when you've taken a shit within the last half an hour prior to the act. In many cases, this can be discovered because of a lingering smell, of which you are also most likely paranoid about the entire time.

Seymour could not hold his shit while waiting for Suzanne to come over, so he quickly let it out before she got there. He kept his post secret quiet until she asked him what the smell was.

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Post Secret - video


Post Secret - what is it?

Someone who sends in post cards to Post Secret about things that everyone already knows or who brags about their secret being picked.

Josh was a Post Secret poser and would send in post cards every week about the time he pissed his pants at prom. Like no one would figure that one out.

"Tony, don’t be such a Post Secret poser. If you’re going to send in secrets shut up about it."

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What does "Post Secret" mean?

A website where people anonymously post their sick secrets to relieve themselves of the burden. It is a very entertaining website.

Guy 1: Hey I just read about this guy who had sex with his best friend's mom and got her pregnant on post secret...... Hey look! Its a guy from around our place. Mann thats one fucked up arse.

Guy 2: Err what a sick guy.

-comes to realization-

Guy 1: You mother fucker!!

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Post Secret - what does it mean?

a website in which you anonymously confess your secret to the world

The "Dirty Little Secret" song by All-American Rejects totally ripped of The Post Secret idea.

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