Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pirujas?

mexican slang world used to describe a young prostitute

quiero una piruja quinseaΓ±era
(i want a baby pro.)

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Pirujas - what is it?

A mexican slang word for whore or prostitute used by many paisas and tijuaneros.

1. a female that sells her body in a sexual way for money or anything worth value.

2. a dirty, filthy, disgusting woman who has no self respect.

"There are many Pirujas on G St in Fresno"

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What does "Pirujas" mean?

A mexican slang word for whore or prostitute used by many paisas and tijuaneros.
1. a female that sells her body in a sexual way for money or anything worth value.
2. a dirty, filthy, disgusting woman who has no self respect.

" There are many Pirujas in the Coahuilabarrio of Tijuana.

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Pirujas - what does it mean?

A group or more than one Piruja.

" I paid for 10 Pirujas and it was the best birthday ever."

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