Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pidor?

A word to describe in an admiring way someone’s manliness, refinement and integrity.
Commonly used in closed male communities to convey support, admiration and encouragement.

Such a pidor you are, Mikhalych!
Petrovich, you are the world’s biggest pidor!
This is Ivanych, he’s is our homeboy pidor.

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Pidor - meme gif

Pidor meme gif

Pidor - video


Pidor - what is it?

A soldier of the Russian Federation

HEY THEY ARE PIDORS, GET THEM (starts shooting)
Pidors are swarming!

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What does "Pidor" mean?

A rude and offensive term meaning "gay" or "homosexual".
Originates in Russian as a short for "pederast".

Suck the dick, you pidor!

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Pidor - what does it mean?

Russian slang word for the gay, very offensive.
Often used as common insult towards to non-homosexual men.

Poshel ti nahuy, pidor!
(Fuck you, motherfucker!)

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Pidor - meaning

pidor is a slang word for pidar witch is also a slang word for pederast, witch means "gay" or faggot"
ofeten used in the FPS game (CS:GO)

ruski: go rush B pidor BLYAT!

pfak your madder, she is pidor.

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