Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Phucket?

A town in Thialand that is well known for it's beaches. It is used as an exclimation in the movie Juno.

Leah: Is this for real? Like for real, for real?
Juno: Unfortunatley, yea.
Leah: Oh my God! Oh S***! Phucket Thialand.

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Phucket - meme gif

Phucket meme gif

Phucket - video


Phucket - what is it?

The act of pissing into a mop bucket, when you're too tired, hooked to the PC, or ill to piss in the toilet, and may also contain sick.

1. I wouldn't go in there, Johnny's ill he's taking a phucket piss.

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What does "Phucket" mean?

A term used when photo bucket isn't exactly being particularly cooperative with you.


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Phucket - what does it mean?

A city in Thailand that has a very funny name because it sounds like fuck it

We went to Phuket all day long.

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Phucket - meaning

A misspelled word for a city in Thailand.

If you smart, you will know that the city's name is Phuket not Phucket.

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