Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pay the price?

is now the term one uses to describe the hangover experienced after a dark night of mischief.

eg. β€˜I woke up in my friend’s sister’s bed and now I am paying the Iron Price’

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Pay the price - video


Pay the price - what is it?

Shitting your pants.

Dude 1: Hey man thanks for covering my shift while I needed to go to the bathroom.
Dude 2: No problem.
Dude 1: Yeah man if it wasn't for you I would have been paying the dark price and paying for a new pair of jeans too.

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What does "Pay the price" mean?

To take a item by force while owner is present, not paying for it with money, gold, or service.

I did pay the iron price for this chain by leaving him bleeding on the floor.

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Pay the price - what does it mean?

1. A punishment.

2. To fart in someone's face while they are laying down, sleeping, or when they least expect it.

I skipped school so I paid the price with 2 weeks detention.

Sleepover at Josh's house tonight! Let's make him pay the price!

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