Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pasco High School's?

A place where all people come and hate each other, A place where the admin doesn’t do there job and gay homos run the scene and blue haired feminists are rampant and illegal immigrants can come and waste our resources even more. A place where every one looks the same while wielding the Edgar hair cut.

Pasco High School: You can’t say the word faggot because apparently on par with saying nigger.

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Pasco High School's - video


Pasco High School's - what is it?

The original and only public high school in Pasco, Washington until 2009 when Chiawana High School was opened. Referred to as PHS or simply Pasco High. The school colors are purple and white (grey) and the mascot is a bulldog.

Q:What school do you go to?

A:Pasco High School

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What does "Pasco High School's" mean?

A public high school in Dade City, Florida. The school colors are red and white. The mascot is the pirates.

Person 1~ Hey, Are you a Pirate or a Bulldog?

Person 2~ I'm a pirate. I go to Pasco High School.

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