Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Partner in crime?

A partner in crime is someone you trust more than anyone else in the world. This person may be an extremely good friend, a family member, or a romantic partner. This is someone who you would probably have many things in common with you and have the same intentions as you. Litteraly, it would be someone who you commit crimes with, but the term does not have to be used in such ways. This is someone who you trust and who trusts you, to an extremely far point. This person would die for you, and you would die for them.

This is Alex. They are my partner in crime.

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Partner in crime - video


Partner in crime - what is it?

Partners in crime are like best friends but they tend to burn people. Once you have taken the step into becoming partners in crime there is no going back.

Me and Rayne are partners in crime

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What does "Partner in crime" mean?

Partners in crime meaning friends forever or my crew. A crew full of boys and girls that do insane things such as jumping off a bridge, chasing the ice cream truck, hunting squirrels, or playing with bb guns.

Bitch, you jumped off a bridge without your partners in crime?!?

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Partner in crime - what does it mean?

your significant other; someone you can depend on to help you get shit done! Your Boo

Whew, I'm glad we finally finished that project! Gimme five my "partner in crime"! Crime meaning a good thing philosophically speaking.

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Partner in crime - meaning

This person is your bsf. She/He is always there for you and y’all play around and prank ppl.

That my Partner in Crime

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Partner in crime - definition

good friends who get in trouble together or get each other in trouble and laugh about it.

we always get in trouble together. you're my partner in crime!

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Partner in crime - slang

1. A partner in crime is someone you trust with secrets and get in trouble with together, usually one person

2. Partners in crime are two people who spend most of their time with each other, usually causing Michief

1. That was so fun putting sticky notes all over Mr. Janton's desk! You are my partner in crime!
2. Did you hear the rumors that Lucy and Claire said about Karen? The are always spreading rumors. They are like partners in crime.

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Partner in crime

A companion or friend that partakes in slightly illegal activities. Such activities shall not be named for legal reasons. Once you become partners in crime you are bonded for life.

Person 1: Did you hear
Person2: what?
Person 1: Rayne is my new partner in crime.

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Partner in crime

A best friend, a confidant, a secret lover. Someone who knows you better than you know yourself. Someone who has your back no matter what. Someone who knows what you are thinking before you do. Someone who won't change you and loves you for who you are. Someone you feel connected to and comfortable with makes you feel appreciated and loved. Someone who knows it’s ok to send that selfie, sext or nude. Someone who you love to message and messages you but never deletes an unread message.

My partner in crime just gave me the best birthday BJ

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Partner in crime

Someone who knows you better than yourself. Someone who you usually get into trouble with. Someone who has your back no matter what. Someone who can tell your secrets and everything to. Someone who loves you even with all your flaws. Someone who won't change who you are. Sometimes your partner in crime can also be someone who you're in relationship with, or a person you have feelings for, or just a friend.

I'm in love with my partner in crime!

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