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What is Panda Bear Fight?

Adding a Flaming Dr. Pepper to a Panda Bear Fight. Irish Car Bomb + Jagerbomb + Sake Bomb + Flaming Dr. Pepper.

Let's do a Red Panda Bear Fight. Tonight needs to get weird.

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Panda Bear Fight - video


Panda Bear Fight - what is it?

A drink, of sorts, consisting of three drinks taken one after the other. It is an addon to the traditional Bear Fight which is an Irish Car Bomb and a Jรคgerbomb. In a Panda Bear Fight you follow the Bear Fight with a Sake Bomb.

We were at the bar and wanted to start the night off right. A fellow drunkard recommended a Panda Bear Fight. It was like a polar bear, a black bear, and a panda bear fighting all the way down. It was epic!

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