Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Palm beach?

Da county fa gun play. highest murder rate in da state of florida, containin da city, west palm beach which is da 14th most dangerous place to live in da USA.

bitch im from PALM BEACH COUNTY das where im from, where niggas get gunned down, n left slumped

👍177 👎79

Palm beach - video


Palm beach - what is it?

The 14th most dangerous U.S. city 2005. Most dangerous city in FL.

Take a ride into the ghetto, aka West Palm Beach FL.

👍723 👎339

What does "Palm beach" mean?

A city people think is safe because they see City Place on TV and then they actually take a trip there and make a wrong turn ... and they end up dead because they end up in ghetto land.

Yeah, they went to West Palm Beach and we never saw them again...

👍769 👎341

Palm beach - what does it mean?

Where 12th graders fuck 9th graders with big tiddies. Also lots of crackheads, fiends, and other types of thots that suck dick for stigs,juuls, and most importantly fake dab carts.

Hey Julia from Palm Beach Gardens, would you suck my dick for 3 packs of stigs? I promise they aren't fake!

👍53 👎15

Palm beach - meaning

Good in the north, ghetto in many other places. Go through West Palm Beach, Riveira, and some of Boynton or Delray and hope you come out alive.

Fuck the 305, go 561 Palm Beach County

👍435 👎131

Palm beach - definition

the act of pulling down your pants and squatting to urinate

Alex, stop palm beaching in public!”

👍27 👎13

Palm beach - slang

6th richest town in the US. Located in Palm Beach County in southeast Florida. Its the home to asshole rich kids, expensive cars and real designer bags; a place where one could see at least 10 Bentleys on a simple journey to the supermarkt; the East coast version of Laguna Beach.

-In Palm Beach, the most difficult decision one must make everyday is whether to take the Bentley or Mercedes.

-The average yearly income for a Palm Beach resident if $156,890.56 according to the 2000 census.

👍239 👎115

Palm beach

its actually the third richest behind Jupiter Island (a few miles to the north) and then Aspen. its not like the east coast laguna beach because there are no young people. their idea of a party is inviting fellow upperclass senior citizens over to their 14 bedroom mansion which is catered by their private chef!
u r better off going to bradleys over on flagler and drink some overpriced beers!

dude lets go over and surf and hang out on palm beach!
ah no, palm beach has toe height surf and the only thing to do is sneak into a private club to hang out.

👍291 👎133

Palm beach

wearing shoes without socks

Ray was palm beaching down atlantic avenue in wicked fresh ferragamo's

👍41 👎11

Palm beach

A place where people think is a nice city because of the mansions here but when they go across the bridge to west palm beach, riviera beach, boynton beach, Delray Beach, lake worth, ect they see ghetto land

Palm beach is A city in Florida that has very high crime rate

👍29 👎13