Definder - what does the word mean?

What is POONd?

Pond with two oo’s cause it’s better that way

Emma lives at the bottom of the POONd. She’s dead.

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POONd - meme gif

POONd meme gif

POONd - video


POONd - what is it?

Used up workedbeat up, worn out,tossed up,stretched out,busted up, trashed, ruined. Maxxed out , beyond it's limit

Aything that has been used, beat up or broken and ruined is poonded

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What does "POONd" mean?

To be on drugs, or drunk. Mainly refers to being high- a weed high, that is.

Man, I smoked suma that goodgood with anna last night and I got SO poonded

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POONd - what does it mean?

1. A word you use to call an idiot.

2. A word used when excited, agitated or angry...

3. A person who, in a team or group, does nothing to contribute or help in any way

4. A funny sounding word that you should try to say randomly as much as possible, I mean, come on! It’s such a irresistible word to say... I’m sure you just tried saying it. Sounds cool? Like this definition then!

4. A very good cuss word that you can use to relieve anger instead of the classical profanities (bad words)

What a poonde, he doesn’t even know how to switch on the microwave...

Poonde! Poonde! I won the lottery!

He’s such a..... poonde. We cant get any work done unless he/she helps!!!

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