Definder - what does the word mean?

What is PILF's?

Princess I'd like to Fuck. With the demise of the big D, it left a gaping hole in the Royal Wank department. The addition of Ms. Middleton re-ignites the fires in the loins of her future subjects.

Finally, Prince William has given us a PILF.
Kate Middleton is a true PILF.
Forget the Princess of Monaco , we have our own PILF now.
God save our gracious PILF

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PILF's - meme gif

PILF's meme gif

PILF's - video


PILF's - what is it?

Much like MILF (Mom I'd Like to F**k) and DILF(Dad I'd Like to F**k), PILF is a gender-neutral term to either replace MILF and DILF or coexist alongside them.

Standing for Parent I'd Like to F**k, PILF will hopefully gain some popularity in communities where similar terms are used.
It could be especially useful for someone who's both hot, nonbinary, and has children, or various combinations of these factors.

"Wow, that PILF's really seggsy, I'd totally let them *insert dirty action here*!"
"That's a bit weird broski, but I respect your opinion. You like what you like amirite?"

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What does "PILF's" mean?

President I'd like to fuck.

Cristina FernΓ‘ndez de Kirchner of Argentina is a total PILF.

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PILF's - what does it mean?

Platapus I'd like to fuck.

"Do you see that platapus? Thats a fucking PILF!!!!"

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PILF's - meaning

Pie I'd like to fuck; everyone has had one of these experiences.

You take a fresh baked oven out of the pie and it's sitting on the counter- mocking you. The only thing that can possibly overcome your lust for this fresh baked American goodness is some good fornication.

One must not go overboard when seeing just any pie. Many pies are attempting to be PILFs but us PILFHunters know the different- those imitation pies are just sluts!

Wife: Honey! I baked you a fresh pie!

Husband: *blood begins to boil- level of lust increases* OMFG! I MUST HAVE YOU HONEY!

Wife: But baby, it's early in the afternoon!

Husband: NOT YOU! THAT PIE! It's totally a PILF!

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PILF's - definition

Parent I'd Like to Fuck
Gender Neutral term of MILF/DILF (Mom/Dad I'd like to Fuck)

"Man They're sure one PILF! Terrys Lucky to have them as a Parent, they're hot as hell!"

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PILF's - slang

Professor I'd Like (to) Fuck

My hot, young Spanish prof is a total PILF

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just like milf or dilf, pilf is a gender neutral alternative primarily used for those who are non-binary.

PILF: person id like (to) fuck

sam is such a pilf

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Psycho I’d like to fuck!

(Fictional psycho characters not real ones)
Eg. Patrick Bateman

β€œJackson Rippner is such a PILF”

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PILF is a gender neutral acronym that stands for Parent I'd Like to Fuck.

aka a non binary MILF

friend- Oh my God They look so fuggn hot, I would rail them in an instant.
What the fuck that's my Mod!?
God PILF's make me go wild

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