Definder - what does the word mean?

What is PHUCK?

Fuck, but with a ph. A phine specimen of NAZA's ph phenomenon that was phurther developed with the Phobia Phear coaster at Lake Compounce.
Phace your phear!

Ah phuck y'all, my gpa is really gonna take a hit phrom that pound of weed.

👍61 👎51

PHUCK - meme gif

PHUCK meme gif

PHUCK - video


PHUCK - what is it?

New species of animal discovered in kew by a crazy philanthropist half duck half pheasant the phuck

Oh my god have you seen that fucking phuck

👍99 👎99

What does "PHUCK" mean?

Way of writing the word fuck in emails at work and not being detected by the comapny filter

phuck you, good buddy!

👍557 👎761

PHUCK - what does it mean?

Stick something sextually into an outlet it can be anything

I just got done phucking with a stick

👍59 👎37

PHUCK - meaning

One day my f key jammed and I couldn't write anything with the letter f. I solved it by the following post.

Uck the letter that is next to letter d on my keyboard is busted. Its ucked! But don't worry ive worked out a way around this and its phucking good!

Now most of my friends use it. I find its kind of a ladies way of swearing online!

Phuck that!

Im a lady I don't phucking swear.


👍123 👎83

PHUCK - definition

1. Totally and royally screwed.

2. The act of sexual intercourse.

Especially useful at work or in settings that control and/or monitor emails through the use of filters.

Poff is so PHUCKED when you leave!!

👍69 👎23

PHUCK - slang

the act of machine intercourse,
to have machine intercourse

She is phucking her cell phone.

👍423 👎95


The clean version of FUCK

Aw phuck I forgot to do my homework

👍139 👎29


a homonym to the old school word "fuck" but refers to machine intercourse, instead of genital intercourse. The term is derived from a man named Chris who holds regular discussions called "phuckathons" in Sproul Plaza of UC Berkeley. It's part of an ongoing debate of whether it is better to live in harmony with the earth and someday dying or to live forever in cyberspace as a silicon being.

"Stop phucking your cell phone!"

👍1773 👎355







"PHUCK that was funny!"

👍41 👎189