Definder - what does the word mean?

What is PHELPS'D?

When one is caught doing something stupid they know they shouldn't be doing and a media record is made of such happening.

ex.) video, picture, sound recording

John: Oh dude last night was horrible! I can't believe Jodi found out I was cheating on her!
Kevin: For real dude. Mike straight up Phelps'd you.



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PHELPS'D - meme gif

PHELPS'D meme gif

PHELPS'D - video


PHELPS'D - what is it?

Getting beat 8 times in a row by a single opponent in athletic competition.

"Dude, how many times did he beat you? Eight? You just got Phelps'd."

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What does "PHELPS'D" mean?

When an event occurs in which someone gets a good phelpsing, that is, they are beaten down, completely dominated, and possibly brought to tears as a result of said destruction. Coined from the total domination of Michael Phelps in the 2008 Beijing Olympics and brought about by the Facebook group "You Just Got Phelps'd."

Did you see that basketball game? Our team came in as the underdogs, but we Phelps'd the other team and won by 30. The other team was on the sideline crying after the game.

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PHELPS'D - what does it mean?

1)It is when one does something, of great excellence, like what michael phelps has done.
2) Could also be used to describe some type of ownage.

1) That guy Phelps'd that test...he got a 97%
2) Yo, I was playing WoW and my shadowbolt had a crit and I phelps'd that nub

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PHELPS'D - meaning

To get incredibly high by clearing a bong

"Hey man, let's get Phelps'd tonight."

"Dude, Pablo got this new piece, we got totally Phelps'd on that shit."

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PHELPS'D - definition

(verb) To do something amazing. A positive statement.

Hey Johnson, great job on the Warner account, you really phelps'd it!


Michael Phelps just broke another world record....he really phelps'd it!

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PHELPS'D - slang

To beat down, dominate or make someone cry in a competition. Just like Michael Phelps crushes everyone in the pool.

Similar to pwned

Jay: I totally lost that game.
Bob: Dude, you got Phelps'd.

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To have Completely and totally dominated a person, group of people or situation (i.e Olympic swimming). Usually involves embarrassment, frustration, and/or disbelief from the dominated (i.e. many of the best Olympic swimmers in the world).

Michael Phelps just Phelps'd the best swimmers in the world 8 times.

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When an event occurs in which someone gets a good phelpsing, that is, they are beaten down, completely dominated, and possibly brought to tears as a result of said destruction. Coined from the total domination of Michael Phelps in the 2008 Beijing Olympics and brought about by the Facebook group "You Just Got Phelps'd."

Did you see that basketball game? Our team came in as the underdogs, but we Phelps'd the other team and won by 30. The they were on the sideline crying after the game while we were celebrating.

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