Definder - what does the word mean?

What is PGL?

Professional Gas-lighter

Andres is a PGL

America is a PGL

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PGL - meme gif

PGL meme gif

PGL - video


PGL - what is it?

Putin Grabbing Land

After the russian ban from any CS:GO majors, putin counter attacked by sending undercover russian players to the major, they plan on taking over PGL and banning everyone so that russia will reign supremacy

Edd: I'm so excited for PGL!
Tom: Bro have you heard about the rumours? Let me tell you...

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What does "PGL" mean?

A live show with horrible audio, where the volume guy keeps messing with the Audio.

You can normally hear the Mic feedback or caster's voice echoing through the room.

The PGL Audio Guy is probably working at this live show.

The PGL Audio Guy has to be controlling this show.

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PGL - what does it mean?

its going to be the best gaming site out there.

PGL circuit is and is continuing to become much better than MLG for sure!

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PGL - meaning

A Halo 2 team that runs MatchMaking. Team PgL ranking themselves up to the top of their game.

Fuck! PgL SwIsHa fucking raped me that last game, fuck i hope i can be invited into there clan and rape side by side with them!

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PGL - definition

Peter Griffin Laugh. A replacement for the standard LOL.

Bob: I thought about it long and hard.
Tim: long and hard? PGL

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PGL - slang

short for Pretty Good Looking

Dave: so, how does she look?
Neil: she's PGL

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Pretty Good Lay

Laura and I hooked up in my car last night, she was a PGL.

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short for PRETTY GOOD LOOKING. The story behind this abbreviation takes place in Jokkmokk, Sweden, when some dudes needed code words for talking shit about the girls in their class.

BjΓΆrn: that girl is so PGL!!! Lets FUF tonight!
Erik: yeah, totally agree bro.

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A club/cult that girls join for the clout. When in season the girls are more focused on baking for their teammates than actually winning. Most of the team joins so they can partake in a scavenger hunt, or better yet β€œscavvy.” Known for wearing PGL crop tops everywhere they go.

β€œHey is that PGL?”
β€œYes bro, just look at the crop tops.”

β€œDude what’s that noise?”
β€œIdk man, probably just PGL having another cult meeting.”

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