Definder - what does the word mean?

What is PCH's?

peach county high school is where the country wannabe's go.

since our county has no money, we're stuck with the shittiest teachers and no funding. yeah we got a new school but we're not going anywhere lol. country boys call you names if you dont fit in.

you get called slurs and bullied if youre different. theres no mental help whatever and the principal sucks. "emo" is what you get called if your hair is dyed. just admit they have a sense of style and you dont lmao

no one wants to go here and we've got the biggest drug problem in the middle georgia area, so yeah. no wonder we have so many drop outs :)

"you go to PCHS? have fun emo"

👍25 👎11

PCH's - meme gif

PCH's meme gif

PCH's - video


PCH's - what is it?

1. The act of working on a game for a long time, collecting donations for the game, then proceeding to never work on the game again, and just give up.

2. Person one: "Aye, how's that game going that those people were making"
Person two: "Nah mate, they pulled a PCH on that last week"
Person one: "Sad, it had potential but the owner was incompetent."
Person two: "Yeah, lot of people be pulling a pch lately"

3. PCH = Project cancellation haul

👍25 👎13

What does "PCH's" mean?

When you are driving on the Pacific Coast Highway

In jaiden and willow Simths song pch they say PCH cruising

👍149 👎19

PCH's - what does it mean?

A private gang in Ahwatukee (AZ) that is commonly known for partying and surfing. Go to Desert Visa High School and have stickers on their trucks.

A group that has numerous branches from them:
Examples: Lucky 7, 06

👍91 👎209

PCH's - meaning

Welcome to the high-school where everyone is related to everyone. Where it's full of black people that think they are the shit and own the place just because it is over populated by them. Where the athletic people suck ass and full of stuck up preps that are nothing but whores, 2 faced, and the fakest girls you'll ever meet. Where they fuck anywhere,drunk/sober, hop dick to dick, and suck so much dick. 99.9% of the girls are loose as fuck and the guys have tiny dicks. Where the girls have fucked/dated guys from each town; New Bern, Havelock, Morehead, New Port, Jones senior, etc. Where you'll see freshman dating seniors. Where you'll get pregnant/abortions before graduating. Oh, full of dumbest drama. Also, the most judgmental teenagers EVER. Let's not forget about the wannabee red necks. Most importantly, 4 years of hell you'll go through.

"Hey I'm planning to go to the PCHS!"
-" Dude, fuck no it's full of stuck up whores, you'll hate it there the first day!"

👍135 👎293

PCH's - definition

PC Hardware, a message board full of Nvidia fanboys on GameFAQs. They know absolutely nothing about computers, but consider themselves geniuses because they can build them. The board is also very easy to troll because of their inflamed egos. Worse than most of the other console hardware boards on GameFAQs.

Dude, that MSL guy just trolled the fuck out of PCH again!

👍103 👎127

PCH's - slang

Post-Cum Head. When a girl continues to suck your dick after you've busted off.

"Kimberly really knows how to give brain... she swallowed AND gave me PCH last night!"

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Pacific Coast Highway

Dude, where's that pizza place Valentino's in Long Beach? Accross from Pep Boys on PCH...

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