Definder - what does the word mean?


A variation on the oft talked about but seldom used Rodeo. In this version, a group of friends break into a room where two individuals are mid-coitus and proceed to loudly yell for both parties to pose for the cameras, all the while snapping pictures with several flashing cameras in hand. The gentleman engaged in the act then has to do his best to smile for the cameras while keeping the girl engaged as long as he can. Selling the pictures to the highest bidder afterwards is also to be expected.

"Julie always looked so nice and innocent in the photos I had seen of her. Check out the look of terror on her face in these pictures from The Paparazzi we pulled on she and Scott last night. I think these shots will fetch at least a couple hundred bucks."

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PAPARAZZI - meme gif

PAPARAZZI meme gif



PAPARAZZI - what is it?

when you are getting your dick sucked by a girl, you realize that you want to film it on your phone or camera, right before you cum on her face you turn the most potent flash on, blinding her so that she cant tell that the load is coming her way, so she has no expectations and is further blinded by the load. this is The Fucking Paparazzi

my girl is mad and temporally blinded, i think i successfully carried out the paparazzi

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What does "PAPARAZZI" mean?

In addition to the typical use of this word to refer to celebrity chasing by the media it also is a sexual term. In the sexual term giving a girl a paparazzi is when you are having sex with her and have a bunch of your friends bust in during the middle of the act with camcorders and cameras and take pictures.

Greg was drillin' his old lady and we all broke into the room took pictures and gave her a paparazzi.

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PAPARAZZI - what does it mean?

An Italian word for crazy photographers who follow people around and take lots of pictures of them

The freaking paparazzi won’t leave me alone!

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PAPARAZZI - meaning

Amateur photo-journalists who have found a way to capitalize on the uninteresting stuff famous people do.

I'm going to become a paparazzi so I can take pictures of celebrities eating lunch and make tons of money!

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PAPARAZZI - definition

Italian for "annoying fly." Used as described in the above definition.

the paperazzi are why i dont want to be famous

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There are two definitions.

1.) The 4th released song by American pop music artist Lady GaGa.

2.) Term used in America for people with cameras that basically stalk a celebrity and take pictures of them. Italian for " annoying bug".

1.) "I'm your biggest fan I'll follow you until you love me, papa paparazzi!" - Paparazzi, Lady GaGa

2.) I can't believe when Tiger Woods left the grocery store there was no paparazzi to take pictures of him!

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Journalists who chase celebrities. (This is a mainstream word but submitted as a subtle variation from ambulance chaser.)

Princess Di was killed in an auto accident while being chased by paparazzi.

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1) Comes from a character in the film 'La Dolce Vita' directed by Federico Fellini. 'Paparazzo' is the name of a celebrity photographer in the film.

2) Short, anoying, balding photographer with a taste for long lenses.

Ciao Paparazzo' que bella la Italia

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photographers and other people involved in the media, who follow people, especially celebrities, in order to look for stories

The Paparazzi are all over this town. They are such assholes.

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