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What is Ozymandias?

For when an iteration of a franchise is very good on its own, but isn't as enjoyable as it should be due to coming after a stellar iteration. Named after the third-to-last episode of Breaking Bad, Ozymandias, which is universally considered to be one of the best episodes on TV, causing the next two episodes to pale in comparison.

"I should have liked that episode more than I did. There wasn't anything wrong with it, but it just wasn't as good as last week's episode."
"Sounds to me like the episode suffers from Ozymandias Syndrome."

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Ozymandias meme gif

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Ozymandias - what is it?

The moment in writing where a character, usually the main character, loses everything or realizes they've lost everything, especially after they have gained more than what they originally had in terms of financial and material wealth, power and notoriety, fame, etc. Named after the sonnet of the same name, in which the once great Ozymandias has been reduced to a crumbled statue.

Ace's Ozymandias Moment was very impactful in showing that he bit off more than he could chew, and paid the price.

👍27 👎11

What does "Ozymandias" mean?

king of kings

dat guy owned me in counter-strike

👍87 👎75

Ozymandias - what does it mean?

The Diety of Time, in a dnd campiegn run by some highschoolers

Bruh you see how Ozymandias threw that kid

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Ozymandias - meaning

Name etched on a fallen statue's plaque. Thought he was invincible, but he wasn't.

P.B. Shelley

My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.

👍203 👎63

Ozymandias - definition

Adrian Veidt. Created a financial empire based on his career as a masked vigilante. Smartest man in the world.
Also called Ozzy or Oz.

Comedian: Hey Ozzy, why'd you kill me man?

Ozymandias: I was bored.

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Ozymandias - slang

The best fuckinf tv episode of all time!!!!

wife:your brother in law just passed away
you:wtf this is just like ozymandias from the hit drama series Breaking Bad

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