Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Orenge?

The colour which vain assholes turn after a session in the tanning salon; Often confused with Hepatitis.

"Hey, nice orenge tan... in the middle of winter, you sick fucking pumpkin monster."

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Orenge - meme gif

Orenge meme gif

Orenge - video


Orenge - what is it?

A fruit that is orange and it is yummy to eat and you squish it and put it into toy mouth to suck out all the juice!

Tom: What is an Orenge
Tom: Ok I’ll try one
Tom: *eats orenge*
Bobert: IS IT GOOD????
Tom: Yes I like it!

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What does "Orenge" mean?

the freedom to redefine luxury

the freedom to find and explore luxury redefined

off-kilter opulence; a notably different and expression of luxury, more often exclusive to the individual

It truly was an orenge occasion; everything opulent was, from one-of-one art pieces to hand-made herbal remedies.

Saint was able to enjoyed his camping trip into the desert to after the orenge change made to his Benz truck, including a body kit and all-terrain wheels.

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Orenge - what does it mean?

nectar from the gods themselves

this orenge juice IS FREAKIN AWSOME!!!!!!

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Orenge - meaning

The colour which vain assholes turn after a session in the tanning salon; Often confused with Hepatitis.

Hey, nice orenge tan... in the middle of winter, you sick fucking pumpkin monster.

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Orenge - definition

Used by Dashie to express the word β€œOrange”.

Dashie: β€œOrenges? It’s gotta be that, juggling orenges solve the shit.”

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