Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Online dater?

Piece of shits who ruined Meepcity

"I hate meepcity because there are Roblox Online Daters on it!"

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Online dater - video


Online dater - what is it?


roblox online daters.
these people are mostly like 7-15 they would also play games like meepcity also online dating is dangerous VERY. dangerous these people would play a lot of condo games and when ever their β€œfavorite” game gets deleted they are mostly likely to cry thus rage cause they wanted to fuck a pixel forever oh yeah when I was very young when this happened like in 2015 i think? Maybe 2016 idk. apparently I was playing this game it was like a roleplay game and this weird girl would follow me everywhere, anyway if you see a Oder and the girl says β€œI’m 13” and the guys says his real age annoy him if he lies his age and says his age is 14 get him in a discord call if he’s actually 14 trash talk him and shit if he mutes then he’s about 43 years old and if he declined the call make him leave. if you can’t get him to leave try to tell another robloxians to annoy him with you or you’re friends anyway thats it I’m out of ideas bye hope you hated my shit thing byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

πŸ‘25 πŸ‘Ž11

What does "Online dater" mean?


roblox online daters… these people are mostly like 7-15 they would also play games like meepcity also online dating is dangerous VERY. dangerous these people would play a lot of condo games and when ever their β€œfavorite” game gets deleted they are mostly likely to cry thus rage cause they wanted to fuck a pixel forever oh yeah when I was very young when this happened like in 2015 i think? Maybe 2016 idk. apparently I was playing this game it was like a roleplay game and this weird girl would follow me everywhere, anyway if you see a Oder and the girl says β€œI’m 13” and the guys says his real age annoy him if he lies his age and says his age is 14 get him in a discord call if he’s actually 14 trash talk him and shit if he mutes then he’s about 43 years old and if he declined the call make him leave. if you can’t get him to leave try to tell other robloxians to annoy him with you or you’re friends anyway thats it I’m out of ideas bye hope you hated my shit thing byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

πŸ‘25 πŸ‘Ž11

Online dater - what does it mean?

Roblox online daters are kids (usually a boy and girl) who literally just met, and the very next second they've already bought a suit and red dress, and are on a date.

Roblox online daters -

How they meet: (now remember the roles can be switched too.)

*Boy just stands there

*Girl goes up to him

Girl: Hi

Boy: Uh, hi?

Girl: ur hot, lets hang out soon

*Boy immediately falls in love

Boy: Will u be my girl?

Girl: OMG OMG YES!!!!

Boy: Comon baby lets go to the dance tonight πŸ˜‰

πŸ‘45 πŸ‘Ž13

Online dater - meaning

someone who is so desperate for love, he has to look for it over a computer screen with someone he never met in real life.

my friend sits in his basement all day flirting with girls that for all he knows could be guys. poor him, never had a chance with real love. hes an online dater, and he needs pyschological help.

πŸ‘73 πŸ‘Ž47

Online dater - definition

Someone who is 15 or over and never kissed a girl in real life so he dates over a video game with someone he never met before in his life. Most common in Runescape since everyone over level 90 does it.

geek23244: Hi dragon
Dragon454363: Hey hun <3
geek23244: *follows dragon in circles* i love you so much! whats ur real name?
Dragon454363: Im tom r u a girl?
geek23244: ur supposed to be the girl! oh well.
Kid with a life: get a life online dater fags and real dates
Online daters: stfu noob we pwn j00

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Online dater - slang

"Online Dating" is the most terrible thing that you can do.

Who is over 15 years old. If he/she can't find someone, then he/she starting to Online Date
But actually, some kids under 15 years old Online Dating too..
Online Dating can trick people. There is a lot of "Online Daters" in websites.

Like Online Dating Website and stuff. There is a game called ROBLOX made at 2006. After 2015 ODers captured the game called "ROBLOX" because of kids. Online dating is the worst thing that you can do.
Online Dater = Someone who is online dating.

Michael: John I am so alone. I can't find someone.
John: Then online date! If you dare to be Online Dater
Michael: This is terrible idea.
John: I know

πŸ‘51 πŸ‘Ž15

Online dater

When You Play ROBLOX (Raise A Baby) And Meet This Cute Looking Girl, Then Suddenly Your Dick Appears In Your Hands.

(Jack) "Do You See That Expensive Bitch Over There?" (Jill) "Yep, She's Definitely An Online Dater."

πŸ‘157 πŸ‘Ž43

Online dater

Stupid fucking nigger(s) who decides to find love in virtual video games, mostly being on mobile games.
Keep in mind that these online daters are just horny KIDS usually ages 5-13. They will grow out of it... eventually.
They usually wear clothes they find attractive, like Supreme, Nike, other official brands or they will just straight up wear naked clothing. If a game has a matchmaking system (Ex: Pixel Gun 3D) ODers will always name their servers they made "first to join gets gf" or "say 123 for bf".

Online dater: ey nigger got on ur knees and suck on my cock you stupid pussy nigga
online dater: k

πŸ‘45 πŸ‘Ž29

Online dater

7 year old: ABC FOR BFRIEND

6 year old girl: ABC

6 and 7 year olds: does it real good

Other kids: ew wth are they doing

Me: trolls od’ers

This is sadly true

I’m gonna make out with you in this kids game... I’m an online dater

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