Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ole ole?

A girl that you having relations with

Yeah thats I got to call my "lil' ol lil' ol" in a few.

👍33 👎21

Ole ole - video


Ole ole - what is it?

Is a person (usually female) who gives away pussy to get a hit off a meth pipe.

I got this lil ole lil ole coming over in a few. Gonna go ahead and knock that off real quick and then I'll be ready to go.

👍31 👎17

What does "Ole ole" mean?

Meaning things/the speaker are/is the same as usual.


Guy 1: How are you?
Guy 2: Same ol' same ol'...

👍241 👎35

Ole ole - what does it mean?

Random vibing song rhythm. specifically hindi language.

Miraz : Jab bhi koi ladki dekhu mera dil diwana bole ole oleeee ole, ole oleee ole
Everyone : S to the I to the M to the P

English translation of that song : just a random simping song

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