Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Old as fuck?

This is when you try to go down on your woman and her vagina smells like it has two day old nigger sperm in it

Damn man i went to eat that bitches pussy last night and that shit smelled like two day old nigger fuck! I told her ass to go buy 10 douches!

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Old as fuck - video


Old as fuck - what is it?

a piece of shit person who is way other than you.

Get out of my face, you old fuck!

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What does "Old as fuck" mean?

when your fuck a person that is over 60 years old. like your grandmother or an old babysitter or something.

Person 1: dude i fucked our babysitter.
Person 2: dude she was in her 60s.
Person 1: we were in LOVE!!!!
Person 2: haha you had an old fuck.

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Old as fuck - what does it mean?

An old fellow who has alot more to him than you think. A continued long stager of the fuckery personality aswell. Alot different to an old fart who just wishes to grow old and just exist instead of living.

George Carlin considered himself an old fuck

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Old as fuck - meaning

someone who is old as fuck

look at that old fuck over there, he's gotta be at LEAST 102.

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Old as fuck - definition

A guy who still holds open doors for girls and buys them supper on dates- but also fucks them and leaves them like a fuck boy.

He wasn’t like the other boys around here, he was an old fashioned fuck boy.

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Old as fuck - slang

Descriptive phrase. Usually used after a noun and verb.

Compares what someone or something is doing (or has done) to the speed and style of elderly people having sexual intercourse.

Ex: Damn it, John. You run like old people fuck! Hurry up!

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Old as fuck

Someone deemed too old to have fun, and, or relations with of a sexual manner.

Billy: Oh man, check her ass out.
Fred: Dude, come on, she is clearly TOTF (Too Old To Fuck). Why don't you try finding one a decade younger.

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Old as fuck

The Old Fashioned Fuck, also known as the "O.F.F.", is a simple missionary position fuck between a man and a women, just like they used to do in the olden times. Also, is known to be the nicest way one can fuck a girl, and the most gentleman-like.

Todd: Hey Barry, I can't believe you fucked my wife last night, what kind of a friend are you?

Barry: Nah it's okay, I gave her the old fashioned fuck.

Todd: Oh LAWL, I thought we were going to have a problem.

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Old as fuck

When someone has hit a certain age where they can start applying for a mobility scooter

Omg you are old as fuck

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