Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Okurrr?

fancy way of saying okay

toto wolf: lewis, just terminate max!!
lewis: okurrrrr

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Okurrr - meme gif

Okurrr meme gif

Okurrr - video


Okurrr - what is it?

When ur bsf lost her virginity u say okurrr

Bishhh me ND my bf just had sex best thing EVER Okurrr

👍33 👎61

What does "Okurrr" mean?

So the word Okurrr was originaly created by Cardi B. It is a type of slang.

Someone:I heard your dating them.


👍135 👎545

Okurrr - what does it mean?

a term used by an awesome rapper Cardi B..... Also used when u got sum shit to say-

Amber: gurl Rebecca was looking dusty even her man said "ew". Okurrr

👍141 👎493

Okurrr - meaning

A word used by mostly drag queens or cardi B. The correct way to say this word is with rolled r’s.

You: we heading out to lunch wanna come?
Me: okurrr!

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