Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ocean Marketing?

A marketing faux pas/way of business where you don't take care of your customers as well as treat them like shit, and sooner or later a berated customer gets vocal, shit hits the fan, the PR goes viral, and in a matter of hours your business and name is kicked to the curb by your industry.

Paul Christoforo, who ran ocean marketing (also spelled "ocean marketting"), berated a customer in an email convo, after O.M. wouldn't tell him when his video game controller purchase would arrive. The customer then sent the email convo to Mike Krahulik, a big name in the gaming industry (PAX convention organizer and co-creator) who posted it, effectively ruining O.M.'s chance of working in the industry again.

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Ocean Marketing - video


Ocean Marketing - what is it?

A marketing method/faux pas wherein the marketing team makes it a policy to treat their customers like shit, until one day a berated customer lets powerful people in the industry know of these practices, or a singular incident goes viral, and the bad PR effectively ruins that marketing person/team/company's chance of ever working in that industry again.

I just asked the marketing company when my order might arrive and he called me a bunch of names and told me to shut up.

I'm not surprised, they've been using ocean marketing for years, it will someday bite them in the ass.

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What does "Ocean Marketing" mean?

1.) The direct opposite of good marketing
2.) Bad marketing
3.) Crying like a little bitch even though you are a 38 years old type marketing
4.) Borderline Personality Disorder

1.) Holy shit! They use clipart on their website? That's some ocean marketing.
2.) Really ... Welcome to the Internet ? Son Im 38 I wwebsite as on the internet when you were. (R) Ocean Marketing
3.) We are called ocean marketing because we are next to ocean. hurr

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Ocean Marketing - what does it mean?

Opposite of Good Marketing.
Based off a bad PR case from the makers of Avenger Controller, Ocean Marketing.

"Did you see their new ad campaign? Man, was that ocean marketing!"

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Ocean Marketing - meaning

To sink your own ship due to incompetence and arrogance. It is derived from the historical event in which Ocean Marketing chose to challenge Penny Arcade during a string of rude costumer service emails involving a gaming product. This moment of stupidity and arrogance began a chain of events that led to Ocean Marketing's downfall. It has officially replaced the word "titanic" for such events.

As Bob drunkenly bad mouthed his boss at the company holiday party, he had no idea his boss is standing behind him the entire time. Effectively Ocean Marketing his career there.


Man #1 - I was flirting with this girl outside my car window while driving when I smashed into a cop car. There goes my car AND my license!

Man #2 - HA! Good use of Ocean Marketing.

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